Leading Innovation: Pursue a wealth of ideas with creative agility (Week 17)

Three snails with one on a skateboard

Pursuing creative agility means experimenting and testing many ideas.

Week 17: Pursue a wealth of ideas with creative agility

Traditional leadership:

Traditionally, “new” ideas are moved quickly to iteration and implementation following pilot programs.

A fresh approach:

New-era leaders need to experiment and test many ideas before proceeding, keeping multiple options open for as long as possible.

Bring it to life:

      • Routinely encourage employees to try new ways of doing things.
      • Support “both/and” thinking over “either/or” thinking.
      • Encourage a continuous learning environment where everyday operations and decisions are opportunities for new thinking and input.
      • Create the space for integration by keeping things simple, flexible, and open.
      • Encourage employees to take calculated risks.

Next week: Creative Agility – Reflect.