Emily Truelove is a founding partner of Paradox Strategies.
Emily is co-author of Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Leading Innovation, primary author of the re:Route™, and a researcher with a decade of experience studying leadership, innovation, and change in organizations around the world. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Harvard Business School. Emily has extensive experience doing field research in organizations, and her current research focuses on how advances in digital technologies are changing what it takes to organize for innovation in today’s world.
Emily has presented her research at conferences like the International Design Forum in Dubai and to clients including Akamai, Texas Instruments and Viacom. She is the author of articles that have appeared in numerous publications, including Harvard Business Review, Business Strategy Review and Administrative Science Quarterly.
Previously, Emily was a research associate at Harvard Business School and coauthored with Linda more than a dozen case studies on leadership, culture, and organizational change. She was also a director of program development at ICEDR, a consortium of global companies focused on global talent management.
Emily holds a master’s degree in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education and a degree in English from Johns Hopkins University.