Thank you for reviewing Concept C below. It’s a single image representing the home page for a website so the links are not clickable. Please scroll down to review all of the content, then answer the questions below the page.
1. How did the page make you feel?
2. What is the main message of the page?
3. How easy was it for you to determine what services and benefits Paradox Strategies provides?
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Fairly easy
Very easy
4. What made it difficult?
4. What made it easy?
6. What did you like about the page? (Mention as many things as you want)
7. What did you dislike about the page? (Mention as many things as you want)
8. Is there any other information you would like to see on this page?
Keep in mind that there will be other pages on the site with more details about what you see on this page.
Send in your review!
When you are ready, please click the SUBMIT button below. Please allow at least 10 seconds for the next page to load. NEXT, we will ask you a few final questions.
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